Vitamin packed colourful pickled salad

Vitamin packed colourful pickled salad

In Serbia, like in most of the Central-eastern European countries, we have a tradition of making a stock of specially prepared fruit and veggies for the winter. The range is wide, from all sorts of fruit jams, juices and sirops to various pickled vegetables, including 

Stirred veggies and eggs shakshuka style

Stirred veggies and eggs shakshuka style

Stirred veggies and eggs shakshuka style, wholesome, simple and easy to make lunch. You can use any veggies you have left, ideally combining different colours and textures to make sure you have a plate full of diverse nutrients. For example, for this one I used 

Next level apple granola-like crumble

Next level apple granola-like crumble

Oh believe me, the crumble could get much more exciting, testier and healthier 😉 Instead of mixing just flour and butter for the crust, let’s take it to the next level and make an apple granola-like crumble. It does not take more time or energy 

Kale, shiitake and lentil veggie stew

Kale, shiitake and lentil veggie stew

Thick and comforting lentil veggie stew with an irresistible combination of different veggie textures and overall creaminess. It is filling still low in calories and packed with nutrients. The coconut cream makes it mild and even more flavourful. One of our all-year-long favourite but even 

Yellow, green and purple green-beans soup

Yellow, green and purple green-beans soup

When they are cooked, purple green-beans look exactly the same as their green cousins but look how beautiful they all are fresh from the farmers’ market: Even though it is not colourful as you would hope, this thick green-beans soup is delicious and comforting and 

Healthy pudding snack, ready in 5 min!

Healthy pudding snack, ready in 5 min!

When you have growing children, like I do, you know that 3 meals a day is not enough. They need snacks! And as long as you can control what they are snacking (up until puberty more or less 🙂 ) you can insist on the