Tag: breakfast

Savoury brioche with thyme, rosemary, sesame & flaxseeds

Savoury brioche with thyme, rosemary, sesame & flaxseeds

We have a lot of varieties of savoury brioche in Serbia. We call them “pogaca” and I think that every person who loves to cook has his/her own recipe. Probably transmitted by his/her mother … Pogaca is part of Serbian gastronomic culture and it is 

Gibanica – savoury millefeuille with cheese and spinach

Gibanica – savoury millefeuille with cheese and spinach

Gibanica is a traditional Serbian dish. Very popular, this savoury millefeuille is most frequently eaten at breakfast but it is also a must have course in a typical popular or religious holiday menu. The best is obviously that of my mother’s, hihi. I believe that’s