Tag: breakfast

Toflette, my vegan tofu omelette

Toflette, my vegan tofu omelette

I have always loved omelettes! Scrambled eggs with add-ons like cheese or bacon or onion were my favourite kind of breakfast when I was a child and growing. Later I upgraded them by adding different kinds of veggies and herbs. Now that the times have 

3 wholesome breakfast smoothies

3 wholesome breakfast smoothies

Antioxydants, proteins, fibres, without forgetting the deliciousness, everything you need from your first daily meal is in each of these three breakfast smoothies. Three colours, three flavours, they are my family’s favourits! I hope they will inspire you to experiment and find your own best 

Healthy pudding snack, ready in 5 min!

Healthy pudding snack, ready in 5 min!

When you have growing children, like I do, you know that 3 meals a day is not enough. They need snacks! And as long as you can control what they are snacking (up until puberty more or less šŸ™‚ ) you can insist on the 

Savoury pancakes with salmon, cucumber, avocado & pomegranate

Savoury pancakes with salmon, cucumber, avocado & pomegranate

We loooove pancakes at home! CrĆØpes or pancakes, sweet and savoury, they are often on our weekends’ brunch menu. Most of the time I make them “neutral” so that they can be garnished as we please, both sweet and savoury. The recipe below is a 

Most decadent cheese and garlic bread

Most decadent cheese and garlic bread

When the star of your lunch is this indecently delicious cheese and garlic bread, I guess you do not need anything else really. If you do, keep it simple, like us today: some fresh vegetables, boiled eggs and homemade hummus. I found the recipe on 

Spinach tartlets with fresh goat cheese

Spinach tartlets with fresh goat cheese

You cannot go wrong with these spinach tartlets, they are really easy and quick to prepare. That is why they are regularly on the menu of our lunches or gourmet brunches šŸ˜‰ I know, winter is not quite the spinach season. But thank god for