Tag: thyme

Green vegetables quiche with mustard and Gouda cheese

Green vegetables quiche with mustard and Gouda cheese

When you do not know what to prepare for dinner there is always a pie option! Most of the time I have a small stock of vegetables, pie dough and eggs in the fridge so it is really an easy path to a wholesome meal. 

Vegetables au Gratin, gourmand and so simple

Vegetables au Gratin, gourmand and so simple

The most difficult part in this vegetables au gratin is cutting the vegetables. This is to tell you how easy it is to enjoy delicious healthy food šŸ˜‰ It is obviously essential to have good vegetables, preferably local, organic (or not, if your favorite producer 

Broccoli quiche with Roquefort and walnuts

Broccoli quiche with Roquefort and walnuts

Tarts and quiches are simple, easy, complete French meals, similar to what pizza is to Italians. There are probably as many different recipes as there are dinner tables in France. Here is the one from my own repertoire – broccoli quiche with Roquefort and walnuts 

Mediterranean-style stuffed bell peppers

Mediterranean-style stuffed bell peppers

The scent and taste of grilled peppers bring to mind the sun, warm weather and an abundance of fresh ingredients and flavours. For me they are also a little taste of home. They have an important place in Serbian cuisine, part of my heritage. They