Best dairy free mashed potato purée

Where I come from, both Serbia and France, we make mashed potato purée with lots of butter and milk. The more butter the better. Well, I do not agree. I believe we should avoid milk (especially cow milk) and butter as much as we can because they are more harmful than beneficial to one’s health. Moreover, there are other delicious ingredients to replace them. The purée I propose to you today is super simple, soooo delicious and healthier, I hope you’ll give it a try.
You can also mix potatoes with other veggies, like carrots (as the one in the picture) or sweet potatoes, to add more flavour to the mash. I prefer steaming veggies to boiling them to preserve a bit more vitamines. I also use the “juice” that results from steaming to make my purée less thick if needed. No need for a fancy steam appliance, you can use a simple set of casseroles like the one in the picture below 😉

Serves: 4 – 5. Total time: 45 minutes (preparation 15 min, steaming 30 min)
INGREDIENTS (organic and in order of use)
10 medium-big Potatoes
5-6 tablespoons of Olive Oil
1 big Garlic clove
a splash of “Veggie juice” from steaming (if needed)
Unrefined Salt to taste
a pinch of Nutmeg powder
you can also add a pinch of dry thyme and/or a pinch of pepper but it is absolutely not necessary
– for a version with carrots replace 3 potatoes with 4 big carrots
– for the sweet potato version, replace 3 potatoes with 1 big sweet potato
Mashed Potato Purée
- Wash and peel all the veggies, cut them in halves or quarters (depending on the size of a veggie) and put to steam. It should take about 30 minutes for them to cook to soft (test with a fork).
- Pour 5 tablespoons of olive oil (you can add more later if needed) into a bol big enough to mash the potatoes. Squeeze a big garlic clove into it and add some salt (you can adjust it later) and a pinch of nutmeg powder.
- Add cooked potatoes into the bol and crush them with a purée crusher. Add some steaming “juice” to the mash if it seems too thick.
- You can also add a some dry thyme and/or pepper but this is not necessary at all.
This time I served the purée with the beautiful green asparagus that you can see in the picture, it’s the season after all and we love them.
- Wash the asparagus and remove the hard bottom part.
- Make a mixture of 2 tablespoons of olive oil, salt to taste, 1 teaspoon of garlic powder, 1 teaspoon of sesame seeds and 2 tablespoons of bred crumbs. It is enough for about 14-15 asparagus.
- Coat the asparagus with the mixture and broil them on a hot pan, on a medium temperature, for about 15 minutes.