Tag: leek

Stirred veggies and eggs shakshuka style

Stirred veggies and eggs shakshuka style

Stirred veggies and eggs shakshuka style, wholesome, simple and easy to make lunch. You can use any veggies you have left, ideally combining different colours and textures to make sure you have a plate full of diverse nutrients. For example, for this one I used 

Hearty veggie lasagna

Hearty veggie lasagna

You definitively do not need meat to make a delicious lasagna! It is about a mouthful of melting wholesome ingredients enhanced by those Mediterranean flavours and enveloped in layers of comforting pasta. And it’s a perfect dish to share too, putting a big plate of 

Stuffed “cheese pumpkin” roast

Stuffed “cheese pumpkin” roast

What an amazing gift of nature are all these different types of winter squash and pumpkins! Bursting with antioxidants and vitamins (beta-carotene, A, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, K), they are very generous in the kitchen too.  You can use them to make delicious desserts 

Veggie Bolognese French style

Veggie Bolognese French style

“Ohlala”, purists would say, spaghetti bolognese with no meat and cooked as they would do it in France and not in Italy!? Well, oui! It is packed with delicious veggies and Mediterranean flavours and enhanced by some opulent red wine from the south-west of France. 

Green vegetables quiche with mustard and Gouda cheese

Green vegetables quiche with mustard and Gouda cheese

When you do not know what to prepare for dinner there is always a pie option! Most of the time I have a small stock of vegetables, pie dough and eggs in the fridge so it is really an easy path to a wholesome meal. 

Broccoli quiche with Roquefort and walnuts

Broccoli quiche with Roquefort and walnuts

Tarts and quiches are simple, easy, complete French meals, similar to what pizza is to Italians. There are probably as many different recipes as there are dinner tables in France. Here is the one from my own repertoire – broccoli quiche with Roquefort and walnuts