Tag: gluten free

Leftovers veggie steaks

Leftovers veggie steaks

“What would you like for dinner?” How many times have you asked that question without receiving an answer? Sometimes you just lack inspiration. Then you check your fridge or food storage and there is not much left in there either. Here is an idea of 

Broccoli salad with white grapes, Gouda & cashews

Broccoli salad with white grapes, Gouda & cashews

When everything is icy white outside, like these days in Stockholm, our body (and soul) needs a maximum of nutritive support. This green broccoli salad with grapes, cheese and nuts is full of vitamins and proteins. It is ready in only 10-15 minutes, the time 

Quick and yummy guacamole

Quick and yummy guacamole

Avocado! One of those fruit you can use to make a dessert as well as a savoury dish. Guacamole is just one of them that I prepare most often as we eat it any time a day and in various combinations: sauce, spread, starter, snack, 

Vanilla applesauce with almonds and honey

Vanilla applesauce with almonds and honey

Sometimes the simplest things… The delicate scent of apples cooking with vanilla and cloves triggers in me a sweet melancholic need for big armchairs, cozy sweaters and long talks. A perfect preparation for winter cocooning period šŸ˜‰ This delicious super simple applesauce leaves you with 

Almond and Chocolate Pear cake (vegan & gluten-free)

Almond and Chocolate Pear cake (vegan & gluten-free)

What a beautiful season the autumn is, a festival of colours and flavours!Ā The shorter the days become and the lower the temperature, the more I cook. There is something very comforting in the kitchen enveloped in warmth and mouth-watering fragrances coming from the oven. This 

Vegetables au Gratin, gourmand and so simple

Vegetables au Gratin, gourmand and so simple

The most difficult part in this vegetables au gratin is cutting the vegetables. This is to tell you how easy it is to enjoy delicious healthy food šŸ˜‰ It is obviously essential to have good vegetables, preferably local, organic (or not, if your favorite producer